# Copyright (c) 2016, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an # additional permission to link the program and your derivative works # with the separately licensed software that they have included with # MySQL. # # Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, # which is part of MySQL Connector/Python, is also subject to the # Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at # http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/universal-foss-exception. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """Implementation of MySQL Authentication Plugin.""" import hashlib import struct from typing import Optional from .helpers import hexlify def xor_string(hash1: bytes, hash2: bytes, hash_size: int) -> bytes: """Encrypt/Decrypt function used for password encryption in authentication, using a simple XOR. Args: hash1 (str): The first hash. hash2 (str): The second hash. Returns: str: A string with the xor applied. """ xored = [h1 ^ h2 for (h1, h2) in zip(hash1, hash2)] return struct.pack(f"{hash_size}B", *xored) class BaseAuthPlugin: """Base class for implementing the authentication plugins.""" def __init__(self, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None): self._username: Optional[str] = username self._password: Optional[str] = password def name(self) -> str: """Returns the plugin name. Returns: str: The plugin name. """ raise NotImplementedError def auth_name(self) -> str: """Returns the authentication name. Returns: str: The authentication name. """ raise NotImplementedError class MySQL41AuthPlugin(BaseAuthPlugin): """Class implementing the MySQL Native Password authentication plugin.""" def name(self) -> str: """Returns the plugin name. Returns: str: The plugin name. """ return "MySQL 4.1 Authentication Plugin" def auth_name(self) -> str: """Returns the authentication name. Returns: str: The authentication name. """ return "MYSQL41" def auth_data(self, data: bytes) -> str: """Hashing for MySQL 4.1 authentication. Args: data (bytes): The authentication data. Returns: str: The authentication response. """ if self._password: password = ( self._password.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(self._password, str) else self._password ) hash1 = hashlib.sha1(password).digest() hash2 = hashlib.sha1(hash1).digest() xored = xor_string(hash1, hashlib.sha1(data + hash2).digest(), 20) return f"\0{self._username}\0*{hexlify(xored)}\0" return f"\0{self._username}\0" class PlainAuthPlugin(BaseAuthPlugin): """Class implementing the MySQL Plain authentication plugin.""" def name(self) -> str: """Returns the plugin name. Returns: str: The plugin name. """ return "Plain Authentication Plugin" def auth_name(self) -> str: """Returns the authentication name. Returns: str: The authentication name. """ return "PLAIN" def auth_data(self) -> str: """Returns the authentication data. Returns: str: The authentication data. """ return f"\0{self._username}\0{self._password}" class Sha256MemoryAuthPlugin(BaseAuthPlugin): """Class implementing the SHA256_MEMORY authentication plugin.""" def name(self) -> str: """Returns the plugin name. Returns: str: The plugin name. """ return "SHA256_MEMORY Authentication Plugin" def auth_name(self) -> str: """Returns the authentication name. Returns: str: The authentication name. """ return "SHA256_MEMORY" def auth_data(self, data: bytes) -> str: """Hashing for SHA256_MEMORY authentication. The scramble is of the form: SHA256(SHA256(SHA256(PASSWORD)),NONCE) XOR SHA256(PASSWORD) Args: data (bytes): The authentication data. Returns: str: The authentication response. """ password = ( self._password.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(self._password, str) else self._password ) hash1 = hashlib.sha256(password).digest() hash2 = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(hash1).digest() + data).digest() xored = xor_string(hash2, hash1, 32) return f"\0{self._username}\0{hexlify(xored)}"