import os import io import numpy as np import pandas as pd import datetime import boto3 import asyncio import functools from botocore.config import Config DATA_BUCKET = os.environ['DATA_BUCKET'] config = Config( retries={ 'max_attempts': 10, 'mode': 'standard' } ) s3 = boto3.client("s3", config=config) """ This lambda function is used to generate samples from a given production array and unit price. @param event: The event object passed in for lambda invocation. """ def lambda_handler(event:dict, context:dict): production_array = np.array(event['monthly_production']) unit_price = event['unit_price'] change_mean = event['mean_price_change'] change_std = event['standard_deviation'] number_of_samples = event['number_of_samples'] bucket_name = DATA_BUCKET prefix = generate_prefix() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete( generate_samples(production_array, unit_price, change_mean, change_std, number_of_samples, bucket_name, prefix) ) result = { "number_of_samples": number_of_samples, "bucket_name": bucket_name, "prefix": prefix, "inputprefix": f"{prefix}/inputs", } return result """ This function is used to generate a prefix for the samples. @return: A string containing the prefix. """ def generate_prefix(): now = return now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") """ This function is used to generate samples from a given production array and unit price. @param production_array: The production array. @param unit_price: The unit price. @param change_mean: The mean of the price change. @param change_std: The standard deviation of the price change. @param number_of_samples: The number of samples to generate. @param bucket_name: The name of the S3 bucket. @param prefix: The prefix for the S3 objects. """ async def generate_samples(production_array, unit_price, change_mean, change_std, number_of_samples, bucket_name, prefix): size = len(production_array) loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() def generate_sample(index): dx = np.random.normal(change_mean, change_std, size) price_array = unit_price + np.cumsum(dx) df = pd.concat([pd.Series(production_array), pd.Series(price_array)], axis=1) key = f"{prefix}/inputs/{index}.csv" return loop.run_in_executor(None, functools.partial( write_df, bucket=bucket_name, key=key, df=df )) await asyncio.gather(*list(map(generate_sample, range(number_of_samples)))) """ This function is used to write a dataframe to S3 as a CSV file. @param bucket: The name of the S3 bucket. @param key: The key for the S3 object. @param df: The dataframe to write. """ def write_df(bucket: str, key:str, df: pd.DataFrame): with io.StringIO() as csv_buffer: df.to_csv(csv_buffer) response = s3.put_object( Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Body=csv_buffer.getvalue() ) status = response.get("ResponseMetadata", {}).get("HTTPStatusCode") if status != 200: print(f"Unsuccessful S3 put_object response. Status - {status}")