+++ title = "Configure Beam pipeline in batch mode" menuTitle = "Configure Beam pipeline" date = 2020-07-10T10:27:27+02:00 weight = 20 +++ 1. Navigate to the [AWS CloudFormation console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation) and select the CloudFormation template that has been created for the workshop. Click on the **Outputs** tab and copy the value of the key *InputS3Pattern*. 1. Then, navigate to the [Kinesis Data Analytics console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/home#/applications/dashboard) and select the application you have created earlier 1. Press the blue **Configure** button next to the name of the application 1. Expand the properties section, select the **BeamApplicationProperties** group and click on **Edit group** 1. Change the value of *Source* to `s3`and add a row with the *Key* `InputS3Pattern` and value you have copied from the output section of the CloudFormation template. ![KDA batch configuration](/images/beam-on-kda/kda-update-config-batch.png) 1. Confirm these changes by pressing **Save**. Apply the changes to the application by pressing **Update** at the bottom of the page. Changing these options will change the source of the application, but it will leave the remaining code unchanged. Instead of reading events in a streaming fashion from a data stream, the aplication will now read the historic data set from Amazon S3. {{< highlight java >}} input = p .apply("S3 source", TextIO .read() .from(options.getInputS3Pattern()) ) .apply("Parse S3 events",ParDo.of(new EventParser.S3Parser())); {{< / highlight >}} Once you have updated the settings, your application will be redeployed which takes 1-2 minutes.