--- title: "AWS Event" weight: 10 --- {{% notice warning %}} Only complete this section if you are at an AWS hosted event (such as re:Invent, Loft, Immersion Day, or any other event hosted by an AWS employee). If you are running the workshop on your own, go to [Self Paced]({{}}). {{% /notice %}} #### Log into AWS Console via. AWS Workshop Portal Your instructor has already created an AWS account for you. Your instructor should provide you a participant hash. Once you have your participant hash go to [https://dashboard.eventengine.run/](https://dashboard.eventengine.run/) Enter your participant has and select Accept Terms & Login ![Event_Engine_Login_Hash](/images/flink-on-kda-studio/event_engine_1.png) Select how you want to log in. Selecting Email One-Time Password (OTP) is recommended. However you can also use your Amazon.com retail account to login. ![Event_Engine_Login_Email](/images/flink-on-kda-studio/event_engine_2.png) Follow the prompts to complete the login process. Once you have sucssfully loged in. You will see the following screen. Select AWS Console ![Event_Engine_Access_Console](/images/flink-on-kda-studio/event_engine_3.png) A window will open. From the window select Open AWS Console ![Event_Engine_Access_Console](/images/flink-on-kda-studio/event_engine_4.png) This will open the AWS Console in a new window on your web browser. If you can see the home page for the AWS Console as depicted below you have sucssfully logged into your AWS account. ![Event_Engine_AWS_Console](/images/flink-on-kda-studio/event_engine_5.png) Now that you have successfully logged into your AWS account and are able to access the AWS Console, lets begin the next step [Environment Set Up]({{}})