--- title: "Self Paced" weight: 10 --- {{% notice warning %}} Only complete this section if you are running the workshop on your own. If you are at an AWS hosted event (such as re:Invent, Loft, Immersion Day, or any other event hosted by an AWS employee), continue with [AWS Event]({{}}). {{% /notice %}} #### Running the Workshop on Your Own You will need an AWS Account with web console access to complete the workshop. If you do not have an AWS account [Create an AWS Account](https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/) As pictured below you should be able to access the [AWS Console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/) ![Event_Engine_AWS_Console](/images/flink-on-kda-studio/event_engine_5.png) Once you have can access the [AWS Console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/), lets begin the next step [Enviorment Set Up]({{}})