--- title: "Build Uber Jar" chapter: false weight: 20 --- You first need to package the Flink application and all its dependencies into a Jar file that can be deployed to a Flink evnironment. 1. Expand the Maven pane and click on the **m** to execute `clean package` as a Maven goal ![](/images/flink-on-kda/intellij-7-maven-package.png) 1. Maven will now build a jar file that includes all the dependencies of the Flink application. The jar file is stored in the *target* directory and can be deployed to KDA. {{% notice info %}} If you are feeling lucky, you can upload the generated jar file to an S3 bucket and subsequently deploy it to KDA. However, the following steps will use a precompiled jar file that is tested and works as intended. {{% /notice %}}