--- title: "Getting started" chapter: false disableToc: false weight: 20 --- Unless you have already an RDP client available on your laptop, you need to install one now so that you can connect to a Windows instance that you will use during the workshop. Follow the specific instructions for your operating system to install an RDP client, preferably Microsoft Remote Desktop 10. - **Windows Setup:** Microsoft Remote Desktop is likely already included in your Windows operating system. To verify, type `mstsc` at a Command Prompt window. If it's not already included, you can obtain it through the [Microsoft Store](https://www.microsoft.com/p/microsoft-remotedesktop/9wzdncrfj3ps). - **MacOS Setup**: Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 for macOS is available from the [Mac App Store](https://apps.apple.com/app/microsoft-remote-desktop-10/id1295203466). - **Linux Setup:** Microsoft Remote Desktop is not available for Linux, but you can use [Remmina](https://remmina.org/) instead. Once you have successfully configured the RDP client, you can start the workshop by following one of the following depending on whether you are... * ...[attending an AWS hosted event (using AWS provided hashes)]({{< relref "./aws-event/" >}}) * ...[running the workshop on your own (in your own account)]({{< relref "./self-paced/" >}})