--- title: "...at an AWS event" weight: 10 --- {{% notice warning %}} Only complete this section if you are at an AWS hosted event (such as re:Invent, Loft, Immersion Day, or any other event hosted by an AWS employee). If you are running the workshop on your own, go to: [Start the workshop on your own]({{< relref "./self-paced/" >}}). {{% /notice %}} ### Login to AWS Workshop Portal This workshop creates an AWS acccount and the development environment that is used throughout the workshop. You will need the **Participant Hash** provided upon entry, and your email address to track your unique session. Connect to the portal by clicking the button or browsing to [https://dashboard.eventengine.run/](https://dashboard.eventengine.run/). Once you have completed the step above, you can head straight to [**Configure development environment**]({{< ref "../configure/" >}})