# IP Usage Monitor This sample deploys a Lambda function that monitors IPv4 utilization for Amazon VPC Subnets and published the metrics to CloudWatch as custom metrics. The following metrics are published. ## `IPUsage/AvailableIPs` Gives a count of the total number of IPv4 addresses available in the subnet. ## `IPUsage/TotalIPs` Gives a count of the total possible IPv4 addresses in the subnet CIDR (based on the prefix, not usable IPs). ## `IPUsage/UsedIPs` Gives the count of IPv4 addresses current used including reserved IP addresses and IP addresses used by ENIs. ## `IPUsage/Utilization` Shows the percentage (as a float, not decimal representation of the percentage) of IPv4 space unusable in the subnet. ## Launch Instructions To launch this sample, download the [CloudFormation YAML file](cloudformation/ip-allocation-monitor.yml) in the `cloudformation` directory and launch the template in each AWS region and account you wish to monitor subnet IPv4 utilization in. ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.