AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: 'CloudFormation template to deploy all the required resources for the centralized software package deployment solution using AWS SSM Distributor' Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: 'Automation details' Parameters: - IsDelegatedAdministrator - DelegatedAdminAccountId - ManagementAccountId - Label: default: 'Targets' Parameters: - DeploymentTargets - TargetOUs - TargetKey - TargetValues ParameterLabels: IsDelegatedAdministrator: default: 'IsDelegatedAdministrator' DeploymentTargets: default: 'DeploymentTargets' ManagementAccountId: default: 'ManagementAccountId' TargetOUs: default: 'TargetOUs' TargetKey: default: 'TargetKey' TargetValues: default: 'TargetValues' Parameters: IsDelegatedAdministrator: Type: String AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' Description: Specify if this solution is being deployed in a delegated adminstrator account. With this option you no longer need to be logged into the AWS Organizations management account to administer software package distribution. DeploymentTargets: Description: Specify AWS Organizational Unit IDs within AWS Organization whose accounts have the target instances (e.g., ou-abcd-1qwert43) for distribution. (Account IDs are only allowed when updating) Type: CommaDelimitedList TargetKey: Type: String Description: Specify which instances have to be targeted for this solution. Allowed values - ParameterValues, ResourceGroup or begin with tag:, AWS::EC2::Instance, InstanceIds (default), instanceids. Refer for more details. Default: 'InstanceIds' TargetValues: Type: String Description: Specify the values of the target keys specified above. Default is *, which targets all instances. Refer for more details. Default: '*' ManagementAccountId: Description: (Required) AWS Organization's Management account ID. Type: String Default: '123456789012' DelegatedAdminAccountId: Description: (Optional) Delegated administrator account ID. Type: String Default: '123456789012' Conditions: IsDelegatedAdministrator: !Equals [!Ref IsDelegatedAdministrator,'true'] IsGovCloud: !Or [!Equals [!Ref AWS::Region, us-gov-west-1], !Equals [!Ref AWS::Region, us-gov-east-1]] Resources: CSDAddSoftwarePackageToDistributor: Type: "AWS::SSM::Document" Properties: Name: "CSD-AddSoftwarePackageToDistributor" Content: !Sub | { "description": "This document can be used to centralize your software package deployment solution across accounts and regions using AWS Systems Manager", "schemaVersion": "0.3", "assumeRole": "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}", "parameters": { "InstanceId": { "type": "String", "default": "*" }, "action": { "description": "(Required) Specify whether or not to install or uninstall the package.", "type": "String", "allowedValues": [ "Install", "Uninstall" ] }, "installationType": { "description": "(Optional) Specify the type of installation. Uninstall and reinstall: The application is taken offline until the reinstallation process completes. In-place update: The application is available while new or updated files are added to the installation.", "type": "String", "allowedValues": [ "Uninstall and reinstall", "In-place update" ], "default": "Uninstall and reinstall" }, "name": { "description": "(Required) The package to install/uninstall.", "type": "String", "allowedPattern": "^arn:[a-z0-9][-.a-z0-9]{0,62}:[a-z0-9][-.a-z0-9]{0,62}:([a-z0-9][-.a-z0-9]{0,62})?:([a-z0-9][-.a-z0-9]{0,62})?:(package|document)\\/[a-zA-Z0-9/:.\\-_]{1,128}$|^[a-zA-Z0-9/:.\\-_]{1,128}$" }, "version": { "description": "(Required) The version of the package to install or uninstall. The system will only attempt to uninstall the version that is currently installed. If no version of the package is installed, the system returns an error.", "type": "String", "default": "" }, "additionalArguments": { "description": "(Optional) The additional parameters to provide to your install, uninstall, or update scripts.", "type": "StringMap", "displayType": "textarea", "default": { }, "maxChars": 4096 }, "AutomationAssumeRole": { "type": "String", "description": "The IAM role required to execute this document (select CSD-SystemsManager-AutomationAdministrationRole from the drop-down)" }, "bucketName": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) Specify the S3 bucket name where the package has been deployed to. This bucket should only consist of the packages and its manifest file" }, "bucketPrefix": { "type": "String", "description": "(Optional) Specify the S3 prefix (if used) where the package assets are stored", "default": "" }, "targetKey": { "type": "String", "default": "InstanceIds" }, "targetValues": { "type": "String", "default": "*", "description": "(Optional) Specify the instances you want to target using Resource Groups, tags (use tag: format) or all instances (default option). Refer for more details." }, "targetAccounts": { "type": "StringList" }, "targetRegions": { "type": "StringList" }, "maxConcurrency": { "type": "String", "default": "4" }, "maxErrors": { "type": "String", "default": "4" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "name": "addPackageToDistributor", "action": "aws:executeScript", "inputs": { "Runtime": "python3.7", "Handler": "script_handler", "Script": "import sys\nimport boto3\nimport json\nimport botocore\nimport time\n\ndef script_handler(events, context):\n s3 = boto3.client('s3')\n org = boto3.client('organizations')\n \n executables = []\n files=[]\n bucketName = events['bucketName']\n bucketPrefix = events['bucketPrefix']\n package = events['name']\n version = events['version']\n accountId = events['accountId']\n region = events['region']\n targetAccounts = events['targetAccounts']\n targetRegions = events['targetRegions']\n packageArns = []\n \n for tr in targetRegions:\n accountList = []\n ssm = boto3.client('ssm',region_name=tr)\n \n packageArns.append('arn:aws:ssm:'+tr+':'+accountId+':document/'+package)\n \n #(1) Get package manifest content\n if not bucketPrefix:\n manifestFile = \"manifest.json\"\n else:\n manifestFile = bucketPrefix+\"/manifest.json\"\n \n fileObject = s3.get_object(\n Bucket=bucketName,\n Key=manifestFile\n ) \n \n manifestContent = fileObject['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')\n \n \n #(2) Get all the zip files that form part of the package\n listResponse = s3.list_objects_v2(\n Bucket=bucketName,\n StartAfter=bucketPrefix\n )\n \n if listResponse['Contents']:\n for key in listResponse['Contents']:\n name = next(iter((key.items())) )\n \n executableName = name[1].split(\"/\")\n for e in executableName:\n files.append(e)\n \n executables = [k for k in files if 'zip' in k]\n \n #(3) Add the package to Distributor\n try:\n createResponse = ssm.create_document(\n Content=manifestContent,\n Attachments=[\n {\n 'Key': 'SourceUrl',\n 'Values': [\n ''+bucketName+'/'+bucketPrefix,\n ]\n },\n ],\n Name=package,\n VersionName=version,\n DocumentType='Package'\n )\n \n except:\n documentResponse = ssm.describe_document(\n Name=package\n )\n\n if documentResponse['Document']['VersionName'] == version:\n print('Document to be updated with name '+ package +' has the same metadata and content as document version provided in request. Proceeding to sharing package with member accounts.')\n else: \n print(package+' already exists, creating a new version')\n\n update_response = ssm.update_document(\n Content=manifestContent,\n Attachments=[\n {\n 'Key': 'SourceUrl',\n 'Values': \n [\n ''+bucketName+'/'+bucketPrefix,\n ]\n },\n ],\n Name=package,\n VersionName=version,\n DocumentVersion='$LATEST'\n )\n\n print('Setting ' + version + ' as the default version')\n\n update_document_default_version_response = ssm.update_document_default_version(\n Name=package,\n DocumentVersion=update_response['DocumentDescription']['DocumentVersion']\n )\n \n \n #(4) Share package with member accounts\n accounts_paginator = org.get_paginator('list_accounts_for_parent')\n ou_paginator = org.get_paginator('list_organizational_units_for_parent')\n \n documentResponse = ssm.describe_document(\n Name=package\n )\n \n if documentResponse:\n for ta in targetAccounts:\n if ta.isdigit():\n acc = str(ta)\n accountList.append(acc)\n else:\n for page in accounts_paginator.paginate(ParentId=ta):\n for accounts in page['Accounts']:\n accountList.append(accounts['Id'])\n for page in ou_paginator.paginate(ParentId=ta):\n for ou in page['OrganizationalUnits']:\n for child_ou in accounts_paginator.paginate(ParentId=ou['Id']):\n for accounts in child_ou['Accounts']:\n accountList.append(accounts['Id'])\n \n if accountList:\n removeResponse = ssm.modify_document_permission(\n Name=package,\n PermissionType='Share',\n AccountIdsToRemove=[\n 'all',\n ]\n )\n \n #To bypass ModifyDocumentPermission API's limit of 20 accounts - \n newAccounts = [accountList[x:x+20] for x in range(0, len(accountList), 20)]\n \n for newAccount in newAccounts:\n additionResponse = ssm.modify_document_permission(\n Name=package,\n PermissionType='Share',\n AccountIdsToAdd=newAccount\n )\n \n if additionResponse['ResponseMetadata']:\n if additionResponse['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200:\n print(f'Successfully modified '+package+' permissions\\n')\n else:\n raise Exception(f'There was a problem modifying the permissions of '+package+', check the logs for more details\\n')\n else:\n raise Exception(f'There seems to be a problem, check the logs for more details\\n')\n\n else:\n raise Exception(f\"No accounts found in the management[parent] account\")\n else:\n raise Exception(f\"Cannot find \"+package+\", check the log for more details\")\n \n print(package+' has been shared with a total of '+str(len(accountList))+' accounts in ' + tr +'\\n')\n return {'packageArns': packageArns}", "InputPayload": { "bucketName": "{{ bucketName }}", "bucketPrefix": "{{ bucketPrefix }}", "name": "{{ name }}", "version": "{{ version }}", "region": "{{global:REGION}}", "accountId": "{{global:ACCOUNT_ID}}", "targetAccounts": "{{ targetAccounts }}", "targetRegions": "{{ targetRegions }}" } }, "description": "This step will add the package that you have built and uploaded to S3 to AWS SSM Distributor. Refer to [Create a package]( for more details. This step requires that you complete the first 3 steps including uploading the package and manifest file to a S3 bucket that this document will have access to.", "nextStep": "waitForPackageToBeAddedToDistibutor", "outputs": [ { "Name": "packageArns", "Selector": "$.Payload.packageArns", "Type": "StringList" } ] }, { "name": "waitForPackageToBeAddedToDistibutor", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "inputs": { "Service": "ssm", "Api": "GetDocument", "PropertySelector": "Status", "DesiredValues": [ "Active" ], "Name": "{{ name }}" } }, { "name": "invokeCentralizedDistributorMemberDocument", "action": "aws:executeScript", "inputs": { "Runtime": "python3.7", "Handler": "script_handler", "Script": "import sys\nimport boto3\nimport json\nimport botocore\n\ndef script_handler(events, context):\n client = boto3.client('ssm')\n org = boto3.client('organizations')\n \n automationAssumeRole = events['automationAssumeRole']\n documentName = 'CSD-DistributeSoftwarePackage'\n instanceId = events['instanceId']\n action = events['action']\n installationType = events['installationType']\n version = events['version']\n additionalArguments = events['additionalArguments']\n targetKey = events['targetKey']\n targetValues = events['targetValues']\n targetAccounts = events['targetAccounts']\n targetRegions = events['targetRegions']\n maxConcurrency = events['maxConcurrency']\n maxErrors = events['maxErrors']\n accountId = events['accountId']\n package = events['package']\n distributionDetails = {}\n accountList = []\n \n distributionDetails[\"InstanceId\"] = [instanceId]\n distributionDetails[\"action\"] = [action]\n distributionDetails[\"installationType\"] = [installationType]\n distributionDetails[\"AutomationAssumeRole\"] = [automationAssumeRole]\n \n accounts_paginator = org.get_paginator('list_accounts_for_parent')\n ou_paginator = org.get_paginator('list_organizational_units_for_parent')\n \n if not version:\n print('No version specified')\n else:\n distributionDetails[\"version\"] = [version]\n \n if not additionalArguments:\n print('No additional arguments specified')\n else:\n distributionDetails[\"additionalArguments\"] = [additionalArguments]\n \n # Collecting all target accounts including those under OUs\n for ta in targetAccounts:\n if ta.isdigit():\n acc = str(ta)\n accountList.append(acc)\n else:\n for page in accounts_paginator.paginate(ParentId=ta):\n for accounts in page['Accounts']:\n accountList.append(accounts['Id'])\n for page in ou_paginator.paginate(ParentId=ta):\n for ou in page['OrganizationalUnits']:\n for child_ou in accounts_paginator.paginate(ParentId=ou['Id']):\n for accounts in child_ou['Accounts']:\n accountList.append(accounts['Id'])\n\n #Workaround: TargetLocation has a limit of 50 accounts - \n targetAccountList = [accountList[x:x+50] for x in range(0, len(accountList), 50)]\n \n for accounts in targetAccountList: \n for tr in targetRegions:\n name = 'arn:aws:ssm:'+tr+':'+accountId+':document/'+package\n distributionDetails[\"name\"] = [name]\n response = client.start_automation_execution(\n DocumentName=documentName,\n Parameters=distributionDetails,\n TargetParameterName='InstanceId',\n Targets=[\n {\n 'Key': targetKey,\n 'Values': [\n targetValues\n ]\n }\n ],\n TargetLocations=[\n {\n 'Accounts': accounts,\n 'ExecutionRoleName': 'CSD-SystemsManager-AutomationExecutionRole',\n 'Regions': [tr],\n 'TargetLocationMaxConcurrency': maxConcurrency,\n 'TargetLocationMaxErrors': maxErrors\n }]\n )\n \n if response[\"AutomationExecutionId\"]:\n status = \"Document has been successfuly invoked. Check AutomationExecutionId - \" + response[\"AutomationExecutionId\"] + \" for more details\"\n else:\n status = \"Document was not invoked\"\n raise Exception(f\"It appears that this step couldn\\'t be completed due to an unknown error. Please check the logs for more details\") \n \n return {'message': status}", "InputPayload": { "instanceId": "{{ InstanceId }}", "action": "{{ action }}", "installationType": "{{installationType}}", "version": "{{ version }}", "additionalArguments": "{{ additionalArguments }}", "targetKey": "{{ targetKey }}", "targetValues": "{{ targetValues }}", "targetAccounts": "{{ targetAccounts }}", "targetRegions": "{{ targetRegions }}", "maxConcurrency": "{{ maxConcurrency }}", "maxErrors": "{{ maxErrors }}", "automationAssumeRole": "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}", "accountId": "{{global:ACCOUNT_ID}}", "package": "{{ name }}" } }, "isEnd": true } ] } DocumentType: "Automation" CSDDistributeSoftwarePackage: Type: "AWS::SSM::Document" Properties: Name: "CSD-DistributeSoftwarePackage" Content: | { "description" : "This document will distribute the package to all the targeted member accounts", "schemaVersion" : "0.3", "assumeRole" : "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}", "parameters" : { "action" : { "description" : "(Required) Specify whether or not to install or uninstall the package.", "type" : "String", "allowedValues" : [ "Install", "Uninstall" ] }, "installationType" : { "description" : "(Optional) Specify the type of installation. Uninstall and reinstall: The application is taken offline until the reinstallation process completes. In-place update: The application is available while new or updated files are added to the installation.", "type" : "String", "allowedValues" : [ "Uninstall and reinstall", "In-place update" ], "default" : "Uninstall and reinstall" }, "name" : { "description" : "(Required) The package to install/uninstall.", "type" : "String", "allowedPattern" : "^arn:[a-z0-9][-.a-z0-9]{0,62}:[a-z0-9][-.a-z0-9]{0,62}:([a-z0-9][-.a-z0-9]{0,62})?:([a-z0-9][-.a-z0-9]{0,62})?:(package|document)\\/[a-zA-Z0-9/:.\\-_]{1,128}$|^[a-zA-Z0-9/:.\\-_]{1,128}$" }, "version" : { "description" : "(Optional) The version of the package to install or uninstall. If you don't specify a version, the system installs the latest published version by default. The system will only attempt to uninstall the version that is currently installed. If no version of the package is installed, the system returns an error.", "type" : "String", "default" : "" }, "additionalArguments" : { "description" : "(Optional) The additional parameters to provide to your install, uninstall, or update scripts.", "type" : "StringMap", "displayType" : "textarea", "default" : { }, "maxChars" : 4096 }, "AutomationAssumeRole" : { "type" : "String", "description" : "The IAM role required to execute this document " }, "InstanceId" : { "type" : "String", "default" : "*" } }, "mainSteps" : [ { "name" : "sendCommandToDistributePackage", "action" : "aws:executeScript", "inputs" : { "Runtime" : "python3.7", "Handler" : "script_handler", "Script" : "import sys\nimport boto3\nimport json\nimport botocore\n\ndef script_handler(events, context):\n client = boto3.client('ssm')\n \n instanceId = events['instanceId']\n name = events['name']\n action = events['action']\n installationType = events['installationType']\n version = events['version']\n additionalArguments = events['additionalArguments']\n packageConfigDetails = {}\n \n packageConfigDetails['name'] = [name]\n packageConfigDetails['action'] = [action]\n packageConfigDetails['installationType'] = [installationType]\n \n if not version:\n print('No version specified')\n else:\n packageConfigDetails['version'] = [version]\n \n if not additionalArguments:\n print('No additional arguments specified')\n else:\n packageConfigDetails['additionalArguments'] = [additionalArguments]\n \n ec2_response = client.describe_instance_information(\n Filters=[\n {\n 'Key': 'InstanceIds',\n 'Values': [\n instanceId,\n ]\n },\n ]\n )\n \n if ec2_response['InstanceInformationList']:\n ssm_pingstatus = ec2_response['InstanceInformationList'][0]['PingStatus']\n if ssm_pingstatus == 'Online':\n print(instanceId+' is eligible for this automation execution. Configuring package now...')\n response = client.send_command(\n InstanceIds=[\n instanceId,\n ],\n DocumentName='AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage',\n DocumentVersion='$DEFAULT',\n Parameters=packageConfigDetails\n )\n else:\n raise Exception(f'{instanceId} currently appears to be {ssm_pingstatus}')\n else:\n raise Exception(f'{instanceId} currently appears to be unavailable for this automation')\n", "InputPayload" : { "name" : "{{ name }}", "action" : "{{ action }}", "installationType" : "{{installationType}}", "version" : "{{ version }}", "additionalArguments" : "{{ additionalArguments }}", "instanceId" : "{{ InstanceId }}" } }, "isEnd" : true } ] } DocumentType: "Automation" AutomationAdministrationRole: Type: "AWS::IAM::Role" Properties: Path: "/" RoleName: "CSD-SystemsManager-AutomationAdministrationRole" AssumeRolePolicyDocument: >- {"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Sid":"","Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Service":""},"Action":"sts:AssumeRole"}]} MaxSessionDuration: 3600 ManagedPolicyArns: - !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonSSMAutomationRole' Description: "CSD-SystemsManager-AutomationAdministrationRole" Policies: - PolicyName: AutomationAdministrationPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'resource-groups:ListGroupResources' - 'tag:GetResources' - 'ec2:DescribeInstances' - 'ec2:DescribeTags' - 'ec2messages:GetEndpoint' - 'ec2messages:FailMessage' - 'ec2messages:AcknowledgeMessage' - 'ec2messages:SendReply' - 'ec2messages:GetMessages' - 'organizations:ListAccountsForParent' - 'organizations:ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent' - 's3:GetObject' - 's3:ListBucket' Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::*:role/CSD-SystemsManager-AutomationExecutionRole' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'iam:PassRole' Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/CSD-SystemsManager-AutomationAdministrationRole' StackSetAdministrationRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: Path: / RoleName: CSD-CloudFormation-StackSetAdministrationRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: AdministrationPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - sts:AssumeRole Resource: - !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/CSD-CloudFormation-StackSetExecutionRole" Description: CSD-CloudFormation-StackSetAdministrationRole to enable use of CloudFormation Stacksets StackSetExecutionRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: Path: / RoleName: CSD-CloudFormation-StackSetExecutionRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: AWS: - !If [IsDelegatedAdministrator,!Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${DelegatedAdminAccountId}:root",!Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${ManagementAccountId}:root"] Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: ExecutionPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'cloudformation:*' - 'ssm:CreateDocument' - 'ssm:DescribeDocument' - 'ssm:DeleteDocument' - 'ssm:ListTagsForResource' - 'iam:CreateRole' - 'iam:GetRole' - 'iam:GetRolePolicy' - 'iam:PassRole' - 'iam:DetachRolePolicy' - 'iam:DeleteRolePolicy' - 'iam:DeleteRole' - 'iam:CreateRole' - 'iam:AttachRolePolicy' - 'iam:PutRolePolicy' Resource: '*' Description: CSD-CloudFormation-StackSetExecutionRole to enable use of CloudFormation Stacksets AutomationExecutionRoleStackSet: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet Properties: AutoDeployment: Enabled: true RetainStacksOnAccountRemoval: false CallAs: !If [IsDelegatedAdministrator,DELEGATED_ADMIN,SELF] StackSetName: CSD-SystemsManagerAutomationExecutionRole Parameters: - ParameterKey: AccountId ParameterValue: !If [IsDelegatedAdministrator,!Ref DelegatedAdminAccountId,!Ref ManagementAccountId] PermissionModel: SERVICE_MANAGED Capabilities: - CAPABILITY_IAM - CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM StackInstancesGroup: - Regions: - !If [IsGovCloud, us-gov-west-1, us-east-1] DeploymentTargets: OrganizationalUnitIds: !Ref DeploymentTargets TemplateBody: | Parameters: AccountId: Description: (Required) Account ID where the CSD solution is being deployed (AWS Organization Management or delegated admin). Type: String Default: '123456789012' Resources: AutomationExecutionRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: RoleName: CSD-SystemsManager-AutomationExecutionRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: AWS: !Ref AccountId Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' ManagedPolicyArns: - !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonSSMAutomationRole' Path: / Policies: - PolicyName: ExecutionPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'resource-groups:ListGroupResources' - 'tag:GetResources' - 'ec2:DescribeInstances' - 'ec2:DescribeTags' - 'ec2messages:GetEndpoint' - 'ec2messages:FailMessage' - 'ec2messages:AcknowledgeMessage' - 'ec2messages:SendReply' - 'ec2messages:GetMessages' Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'iam:PassRole' Resource: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/CSD-SystemsManager-AutomationExecutionRole