variable "account_id" { type = string description = "Enter the account number that you wish to deploy in." } variable "aws_region" { type = string default = "us-east-1" description = "Enter the AWS Region you wish to deploy in." validation { condition = can(regex("(us(-gov)?|ap|ca|cn|eu|sa)-(central|(north|south)?(east|west)?)-\\d", var.aws_region)) error_message = "Enter a valid region." } } variable "automox_apikey" { type = string description = "Enter the Automox API Key." sensitive = true } variable "aws_s3_automox_log_bucket" { type = string description = "Enter the name for the S3 bucket which will store Automox installation output." validation { condition = substr(var.aws_s3_automox_log_bucket, 0, 1) != "/" && substr(var.aws_s3_automox_log_bucket, -1, 1) != "/" && length(var.aws_s3_automox_log_bucket) > 0 error_message = "Parameter `aws_s3_automox_log_bucket` cannot start and end with \"/\", as well as cannot be empty." } } variable "ssm_association_name" { type = string description = "Enter the name for the System's Manager continuous check." } variable "compliance_severity" { type = string description = "Enter the severity level for when Automox is not installed." validation { condition = contains(["CRITICAL","HIGH","MEDIUM","LOW","UNSPECIFIED"], var.compliance_severity) error_message = "Invalid input, options are: \"CRITICAL\", \"HIGH\",\"MEDIUM\",\"LOW\", and \"UNSPECIFIED\"." } } variable "cron_expression" { type = string description = "Enter the CRON expression to schedule the association check." } variable "aws_ec2_instance_profile" { type = string description = "Enter the name for the instance profile attached to EC2 instances which should be granted access to write to the Automox Logging S3 bucket. This role must already exist." }