AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: "Backup Plan template for AWS Backups" Parameters: TagKey: Type: String Default: backup Description: Enter the tag KEY of the AWS resource TagValue: Type: String Default: daily Description: Enter the tag VALUE of the AWS resource LifecycleDeleteAfterDays: Type: Number Default: 366 Description: Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is deleted. Must be greater than 90 days plus MoveToColdStorageAfterDays. LifecycleMoveToColdStorageAfterDays: Type: Number Default: 31 Description: Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is moved to cold storage. Resources: BackupVault: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupVault" Properties: BackupVaultName: !Sub 'BackkupVault_${AWS::StackName}' BackupPlan: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupPlan" Properties: BackupPlan: BackupPlanName: !Sub 'BackupPlan_${AWS::StackName}' BackupPlanRule: - RuleName: "RuleForDailyBackups" TargetBackupVault: !Ref BackupVault ScheduleExpression: "cron(0 5 ? * * *)" StartWindowMinutes: 60 CompletionWindowMinutes : 120 Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: Ref: LifecycleDeleteAfterDays MoveToColdStorageAfterDays: Ref: LifecycleMoveToColdStorageAfterDays DependsOn: BackupVault BackupRole: Type: "AWS::IAM::Role" Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: "Allow" Principal: Service: - "" Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" ManagedPolicyArns: - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSBackupServiceRolePolicyForBackup" TagBasedBackupSelection: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupSelection" Properties: BackupSelection: SelectionName: "TagBasedBackupSelection" IamRoleArn: !GetAtt BackupRole.Arn ListOfTags: - ConditionType: "STRINGEQUALS" ConditionKey: Ref: TagKey ConditionValue: Ref: TagValue BackupPlanId: !Ref BackupPlan DependsOn: BackupPlan