schemaVersion: "2.2"
description: "Prepare and mount the disks for SAP apps"
    type: String
    description: '(Required) EFS mount for the /sapmnt'
    default: ''
- action: "aws:runShellScript"
  name: "Create_directories"
    - #!/bin/bash
    - echo "Starting to create directories" | tee -a $SSM_LOG_FILE
    - mkdir -p /usr/sap /sapmnt /upgrade
    - echo "Return code $?"
- action: "aws:runShellScript"
  name: "Mount_disks"
    - #!/bin/bash
    - # Create mapping table for NVMe devices
    - rm -f /tmp/diskmap
    - for MYNVME in $(ls /dev/nvme*n1); do echo "$( nvme id-ctrl -v ${MYNVME} | grep xvd | awk '{ print $18 }' | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/\.*//g' ) ${MYNVME}" >> /tmp/diskmap; done
    - if mountpoint -q /usr/sap
    - then
    -   echo "/usr/sap already mounted. Skipping..."
    - else
    -   # Create LVM group for /usr/sap
    -   USRSAPDEVICE=$( grep xvdf /tmp/diskmap  | awk '{print $2}' )
    -   if [ ! -z "$USRSAPDEVICE" ]
    -   then
    -     pvcreate $USRSAPDEVICE
    -     vgcreate vg_usrsap $USRSAPDEVICE
    -     lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n lv_usrsap vg_usrsap
    -     mkfs.xfs /dev/vg_usrsap/lv_usrsap
    -     echo "/dev/vg_usrsap/lv_usrsap /usr/sap xfs defaults 1 2" >> /etc/fstab
    -   else
    -     echo "Mapping of /usr/sap device failed. Review the script or device name"
    -     exit 1
    -   fi
    - fi
    - if [[ $(swapon -s) ]] 
    - then
    -   echo "Swap already exists. Skipping..."
    - else    
    -   # Create LVM group for swap
    -   SWAPDEVICE=$( grep xvdg /tmp/diskmap  | awk '{print $2}' )
    -   if [ ! -z "$SWAPDEVICE" ]
    -   then
    -     pvcreate $SWAPDEVICE
    -     vgcreate vg_swap $SWAPDEVICE
    -     lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n lv_swap vg_swap
    -     mkswap /dev/vg_swap/lv_swap
    -     echo "/dev/vg_swap/lv_swap swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
    -   else
    -     echo "Mapping of swap device failed. Review the script or device name"
    -     exit 1
    -   fi
    - fi
    - # Check if already mounted
    - if mountpoint -q /sapmnt
    - then
    -   echo "/sapmnt already mounted. Skipping..."
    - else
    -   EFS={{ EfsFileSystemId }}
    -   if [ ! -z '$EFS' ]
    -   then 
    -     # Mount /sapmnt using EFS
    -     echo "EFS mount point provided - $EFS. Will be used for /sapmnt" | tee -a $SSM_LOG_FILE
    -     REGION=`curl -s|grep region|awk -F\" '{print $4}'`
    -     EFS_MP="${EFS}.efs.${REGION}.amazonaws.com:/ "
    -     echo "${EFS_MP}  /sapmnt  nfs nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport  0 0"  >> /etc/fstab
    -     mount /sapmnt | tee -a $SSM_LOG_FILE
    -     sleep 15
    -     FS_SAPMNT=$(df -h | grep /sapmnt | awk '{ print $NF }')
    -     if [ -z "$FS_SAPMNT" ]
    -     then
    -       mount /sapmnt
    -       sleep 15
    -     fi
    -     FS_SAPMNT=$(df -h | grep /sapmnt | awk '{ print $NF }')
    -     if [ -z "$FS_SAPMNT" ]
    -     then  
    -        echo "Could not mount EFS. Exiting..." | tee -a $SSM_LOG_FILE
    -        exit 1
    -     fi
    -   fi
    - fi
- action: "aws:runShellScript"
  name: "Prepare_sap_trans"
    - #!/bin/bash
    - echo "Starting to create directories" | tee -a $SSM_LOG_FILE
    - mkdir -p /sapmnt/trans
    - echo "Return code $?"
    - ln -s /sapmnt/trans /usr/sap/