# Terraform Sample Workshop This repository contains hands on content that will guide you through building a simple Web Server stack using terraform in many ways, learn how to code infraestructure with terraform from a simple snippet to a modularized approach # Prerequisites - [Terraform v0.14 or above](https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html) - AWS account **THIS WORKSHOP WAS TESTED IN US-EAST-1 REGION** # Overview of Workshop Labs [Module 1](./module_1) - This module is responsible to teach you the basics of Terraform and how to code a simple architecture using Terraform resources. [Module 2](./module_2) - This module is responsible to teach you how to create modules in terraform and use them, you will learn how to create re-usable Terraform resources to improve agility when coding infraestructure. [Module 3](./module_3) - This module is responsible to teach you how to create another layer of Terraform abstraction using module in module, so you can create patterns and deliver the infraestructre in a much fast and simple way. # Stack that will be deployed

So the above stack will be deployed in all the 3 modules of this workshop, but in each module we are going to improve our terraform using best practices. ## Start the workshop [Click Here to start the first module](./module_1) ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.