""" Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 """ import hashlib import ipaddress import json import logging import os import time from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import Any, Union from urllib import request import boto3 # type: ignore #### DESCRIPTION = 'Managed by update IP ranges Lambda' RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX = 'aws-ip-ranges' MANAGED_BY = 'update-aws-ip-ranges' ####### Get values from environment variables ###### ## Logging level options in less verbosity order. INFO is the default. ## If you enable DEBUG, it will log boto3 calls as well. # CRITICAL # ERROR # WARNING # INFO # DEBUG # Get logging level from environment variable if (LOG_LEVEL := os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL', '').upper()) not in {'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'}: LOG_LEVEL = 'INFO' # Set up logging. Set the level if the handler is already configured. if len(logging.getLogger().handlers) > 0: logging.getLogger().setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) else: logging.basicConfig(level=LOG_LEVEL) # Define client for services waf_client = boto3.client('wafv2') ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2') #====================================================================================================================== # Data classes and help functions #====================================================================================================================== @dataclass class IPv4List(): """List of IPv4 Networks""" ip_list: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) _summarized_ip_list: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) def summarized(self) -> list[str]: """Summarize this list as IPv4 network and sort it""" if not self._summarized_ip_list: if len(self.ip_list) == 1: return self.ip_list summarized_sorted = sorted( ipaddress.collapse_addresses( [ipaddress.IPv4Network(addr) for addr in self.ip_list] ) ) self._summarized_ip_list = [net.with_prefixlen for net in summarized_sorted] return self._summarized_ip_list def sort(self) -> None: """Sort this list as IPv4 network""" if len(self.ip_list) > 1: self.ip_list = sorted(self.ip_list, key = ipaddress.IPv4Network) def asdict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary from this object""" return asdict(self) @dataclass class IPv6List(): """List of IPv6 Networks""" ip_list: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) _summarized_ip_list: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) def summarized(self) -> list[str]: """Summarize this list as IPv6 network and sort it""" if not self._summarized_ip_list: summarized_sorted = sorted( ipaddress.collapse_addresses( [ipaddress.IPv6Network(addr) for addr in self.ip_list] ) ) self._summarized_ip_list = [net.exploded for net in summarized_sorted] return self._summarized_ip_list def sort(self) -> None: """Sort this list as IPv6 network""" if len(self.ip_list) > 1: sorted_list = sorted([ipaddress.IPv6Network(addr) for addr in self.ip_list]) self.ip_list = [net.exploded for net in sorted_list] def asdict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary from this object""" return asdict(self) @dataclass class ServiceIPRange(): """Store IPv4 and IPv6 networks""" ipv4: IPv4List = field(default_factory=IPv4List) ipv6: IPv6List = field(default_factory=IPv6List) def asdict(self) -> dict[str, Union[IPv4List, IPv6List]]: """Return a dictionary from this object""" return {'ipv4': self.ipv4, 'ipv6': self.ipv6} ### General functions def get_ip_groups_json(url: str, expected_hash: str) -> str: """Get ip-range.json file and check if it mach the expected MD5 hash""" logging.info('get_ip_groups_json start') logging.debug(f'Parameter url: {url}') logging.debug(f'Parameter expected_hash: {expected_hash}') # Get ip-ranges.json file logging.info(f'Updating from "{url}"') if not url.lower().startswith('http'): raise Exception(f'Expecting an HTTP protocol URL, got "{url}"') req = request.Request(url) with request.urlopen(req) as response: #nosec B310 ip_json = response.read() logging.info(f'Got "ip-ranges.json" file from "{url}"') logging.debug(f'File content: {ip_json}') # Calculate MD5 hash from current file m = hashlib.md5() # nosec B303 m.update(ip_json) current_hash = m.hexdigest() logging.debug(f'Calculated MD5 file hash "{current_hash}"') # If the hash provided is 'test-hash', returns the JSON without checking the hash if expected_hash == 'test-hash': logging.info('Running in test mode') return ip_json # Current file hash MUST match the one expected if current_hash != expected_hash: raise Exception(f'MD5 Mismatch: got "{current_hash}" expected "{expected_hash}"') logging.debug(f'Function return: {ip_json}') logging.info('get_ip_groups_json end') return ip_json def get_ranges_for_service(ranges: dict, config_services: dict) -> dict[str, ServiceIPRange]: """Gets IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes from the matching services""" logging.info('get_ranges_for_service start') logging.debug(f'Parameter ranges: {ranges}') logging.debug(f'Parameter config_services: {config_services}') service_ranges: dict[str, ServiceIPRange] = {} service_control: dict[str, bool] = {} for config_service in config_services['Services']: service_name = config_service['Name'] if len(config_service['Regions']) > 0: for region in config_service['Regions']: logging.info(f"Will search for '{service_name}' and region '{region}'") key = f"{service_name}-{region}" service_control[key] = True service_ranges[service_name] = ServiceIPRange() else: logging.info(f"Will search for '{service_name}' without consider a region, so will get all prefixes from all regions") key = f"{service_name}" service_control[key] = True service_ranges[service_name] = ServiceIPRange() # Loop over the IPv4 prefixes and appends the matching services logging.info('Searching for IPv4 prefixes') for prefix in ranges['prefixes']: service_name = prefix['service'] service_region = prefix['region'] key = f"{service_name}-{service_region}" if key in service_control: logging.info(f"Found service: '{service_name}' region: '{service_region}' range: {prefix['ip_prefix']}") service_ranges[service_name].ipv4.ip_list.append(prefix['ip_prefix']) else: key = f"{service_name}" if key in service_control: logging.info(f"Found service: '{service_name}' range: {prefix['ip_prefix']}") service_ranges[service_name].ipv4.ip_list.append(prefix['ip_prefix']) # Loop over the IPv6 prefixes and appends the matching services logging.info('Searching for IPv6 prefixes') for ipv6_prefix in ranges['ipv6_prefixes']: service_name = ipv6_prefix['service'] service_region = ipv6_prefix['region'] key = f"{service_name}-{service_region}" if key in service_control: logging.info(f"Found service: '{service_name}' region: '{service_region}' range: {ipv6_prefix['ipv6_prefix']}") service_ranges[service_name].ipv6.ip_list.append(ipv6_prefix['ipv6_prefix']) else: key = f"{service_name}" if key in service_control: logging.info(f"Found service: '{service_name}' range: {ipv6_prefix['ipv6_prefix']}") service_ranges[service_name].ipv6.ip_list.append(ipv6_prefix['ipv6_prefix']) # Sort all ranges for service_name in service_ranges.keys(): service_ranges[service_name].ipv4.sort() service_ranges[service_name].ipv6.sort() logging.debug(f'Function return: {service_ranges}') logging.info('get_ranges_for_service end') return service_ranges ### WAF IPSet functions def manage_waf_ipset(client: Any, waf_ipsets: dict[str, dict], service_name: str, ipset_scope: str, service_ranges: dict[str, ServiceIPRange], should_summarize: bool) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Create or Update WAF IPSet""" logging.info('manage_waf_ipset start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter waf_ipsets: {waf_ipsets}') logging.debug(f'Parameter service_name: {service_name}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_scope: {ipset_scope}') logging.debug(f'Parameter service_ranges: {service_ranges}') logging.debug(f'Parameter should_summarize: {should_summarize}') # Dictionary to return the IPSet names that will be created or updated ipset_names: dict[str, list[str]] = {'created': [], 'updated': []} for ip_version in ['ipv4', 'ipv6']: if not service_ranges[service_name].asdict()[ip_version].ip_list: logging.debug(f'No IP ranges found for service "{service_name}" and IP version "{ip_version}"') else: # Found ranges for specific IP version (ipv4 or ipv6) address_list: list[str] = service_ranges[service_name].asdict()[ip_version].ip_list logging.debug(f'Summarize: "{should_summarize}" and address list lenght: "{len(address_list)}"') if should_summarize and (len(address_list) > 1): address_list = service_ranges[service_name].asdict()[ip_version].summarized() # Check if it is to create or update WAF IPSet ipset_name: str = f"{RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX}-{service_name.lower().replace('_', '-')}-{ip_version}" if ipset_name in waf_ipsets: # IPSets exists, so will update it logging.debug(f'WAF IPSet "{ipset_name}" found. Will update it.') updated: bool = update_waf_ipset(client, ipset_name, ipset_scope, waf_ipsets[ipset_name], address_list) if updated: ipset_names['updated'].append(ipset_name) else: # IPSet not found, so will create it # IPAddressVersion can be 'IPV4' or 'IPV6' logging.debug(f'WAF IPSet "{ipset_name}" not found. Will create it.') create_waf_ipset(client, ipset_name, ipset_scope, ip_version.upper(), address_list) ipset_names['created'].append(ipset_name) logging.debug(f'Function return: {ipset_names}') logging.info('manage_waf_ipset end') return ipset_names def create_waf_ipset(client: Any, ipset_name: str, ipset_scope: str, ipset_version: str, address_list: list[str]) -> None: """Create the AWS WAF IP set""" logging.info('create_waf_ipset start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_name: {ipset_name}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_scope: {ipset_scope}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_version: {ipset_version}') logging.debug(f'Parameter address_list: {address_list}') logging.info(f'Creating IPSet "{ipset_name}" with scope "{ipset_scope}" with {len(address_list)} CIDRs. List: {address_list}') response = client.create_ip_set( Name=ipset_name, Scope=ipset_scope, Description=DESCRIPTION, IPAddressVersion=ipset_version, Addresses=address_list, Tags=[ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': ipset_name }, { 'Key': 'ManagedBy', 'Value': MANAGED_BY }, { 'Key': 'CreatedAt', 'Value': datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat() }, { 'Key': 'UpdatedAt', 'Value': 'Not yet' }, ] ) logging.info(f'Created IPSet "{ipset_name}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') logging.debug('Function return: None') logging.info('create_waf_ipset end') def update_waf_ipset(client: Any, ipset_name: str, ipset_scope: str, waf_ipset: dict[str, Any], address_list: list[str]) -> bool: """Updates the AWS WAF IP set""" logging.info('update_waf_ipset start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_name: {ipset_name}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_scope: {ipset_scope}') logging.debug(f'Parameter waf_ipset: {waf_ipset}') logging.debug(f'Parameter address_list: {address_list}') ipset_id: str = waf_ipset['Id'] ipset_lock_token: str = waf_ipset['LockToken'] ipset_description: str = waf_ipset['Description'] ipset_arn: str = waf_ipset['ARN'] logging.debug(f'ipset_id: {ipset_id}') logging.debug(f'ipset_lock_token: {ipset_lock_token}') logging.debug(f'ipset_description: {ipset_description}') logging.debug(f'ipset_arn: {ipset_arn}') # It uses entries_to_remove and entries_to_add just for control if it needs to update IPSet or not. # If it needs to update, it will always use the full list of addresses from address_list network_list: list[Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network]] = [ipaddress.ip_network(net) for net in address_list] # Get current IPSet entries current_entries: dict[Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network], str] = get_ip_set_entries(client, ipset_name, ipset_scope, ipset_id) # Filter to get the list of entries to remove from IPSet entries_to_remove: list[str] = [cidr.with_prefixlen for cidr in current_entries.keys() if cidr not in network_list] # Filter to get the list of entries to add into Prefix List entries_to_add: list[str] = [cidr.with_prefixlen for cidr in network_list if cidr not in current_entries] logging.debug(f'current_entries: {current_entries}') logging.debug(f'entries_to_remove: {entries_to_remove}') logging.debug(f'entries_to_add: {entries_to_add}') updated: bool = False if (not entries_to_add) and (not entries_to_remove): logging.info(f'Nothing to add or remove at "{ipset_name}"') else: # Update IPSet logging.info(f'Updating IPSet "{ipset_name}" with scope "{ipset_scope}" with lock_token "{ipset_lock_token}" with {len(address_list)} CIDRs. List: {address_list}') response = client.update_ip_set( Name=ipset_name, Scope=ipset_scope, Id=ipset_id, Description=ipset_description, Addresses=address_list, LockToken=ipset_lock_token ) updated = True logging.info(f'Updated IPSet "{ipset_name}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') # Update IPSet tags logging.info(f'Updating Tags for "{ipset_name}" with ARN "{ipset_arn}"') response = client.tag_resource( ResourceARN=ipset_arn, Tags=[{'Key': 'UpdatedAt','Value': datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat()}] ) logging.info(f'Updated Tags for "{ipset_name}" with ARN {ipset_arn}') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') logging.debug(f'Function return: {updated}') logging.info('update_waf_ipset end') return updated def list_waf_ipset(client: Any, ipset_scope: str) -> dict[str, dict]: """List all AWS WAF IP set from specific scope""" logging.info('list_waf_ipset start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_scope: {ipset_scope}') # Put all IPSets inside a dictionary ipsets: dict[str, dict] = {} response = client.list_ip_sets(Scope=ipset_scope) logging.info(f'Listed IPSet with scope "{ipset_scope}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') while True: for ipset in response['IPSets']: ipsets[ipset['Name']] = ipset if not 'NextMarker' in response: break # As there is a NextMarket it needs to perform the list call again next_marker = response['NextMarker'] logging.info(f'Found NextMarker "{next_marker}"') response = client.list_ip_sets(Scope=ipset_scope, NextMarker=next_marker) logging.info(f'Listed IPSet with scope "{ipset_scope}" and NextMarker "{next_marker}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') logging.debug(f'Function return: {ipsets}') logging.info('list_waf_ipset end') return ipsets def get_ip_set_entries(client: Any, ipset_name: str, ipset_scope: str, ipset_id: str) -> dict[Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network], str]: """Get AWS WAF IP set entries""" logging.info('get_ip_set_entries start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_name: {ipset_name}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_scope: {ipset_scope}') logging.debug(f'Parameter ipset_id: {ipset_id}') response = client.get_ip_set( Name=ipset_name, Scope=ipset_scope, Id=ipset_id ) logging.info(f'Got IPSet with name "{ipset_name}" and scope "{ipset_scope}" and ID "{ipset_id}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') # Add entries in a dictionary entries: dict[Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network], str] = {} for entrie in response['IPSet']['Addresses']: network = ipaddress.ip_network(entrie) entries[network] = entrie logging.debug(f'Function return: {entries}') logging.info('get_ip_set_entries end') return entries ### VPC Prefix List def manage_prefix_list(client: Any, vpc_prefix_lists: dict[str, dict], service_name: str, service_ranges: dict[str, ServiceIPRange], should_summarize: bool) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Create or Update VPC Prefix List""" logging.info('manage_prefix_list start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter vpc_prefix_lists: {vpc_prefix_lists}') logging.debug(f'Parameter service_name: {service_name}') logging.debug(f'Parameter service_ranges: {service_ranges}') logging.debug(f'Parameter should_summarize: {should_summarize}') # Dictionary to return the Prefix List names that will be created or updated prefix_list_names: dict[str, list[str]] = {'created': [], 'updated': []} for ip_version in ['ipv4', 'ipv6']: if not service_ranges[service_name].asdict()[ip_version].ip_list: logging.debug(f'No IP ranges found for service "{service_name}" and IP version "{ip_version}"') else: # Found ranges for specific IP version (ipv4 or ipv6) address_list: list[str] = service_ranges[service_name].asdict()[ip_version].ip_list logging.debug(f'Summarize: "{should_summarize}" and address list lenght: "{len(address_list)}"') if should_summarize and (len(address_list) > 1): address_list = service_ranges[service_name].asdict()[ip_version].summarized() prefix_list_name: str = f"{RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX}-{service_name.lower().replace('_', '-')}-{ip_version}" if prefix_list_name in vpc_prefix_lists: # Prefix List exists, so will update it logging.debug(f'VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}" found. Will update it.') updated: bool = update_prefix_list(client, prefix_list_name, vpc_prefix_lists[prefix_list_name], address_list) if updated: prefix_list_names['updated'].append(prefix_list_name) else: # Prefix List not found, so will create it logging.debug(f'VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}" not found. Will create it.') create_prefix_list(client, prefix_list_name, ip_version.upper(), address_list) prefix_list_names['created'].append(prefix_list_name) logging.debug(f'Function return: {prefix_list_names}') logging.info('manage_prefix_list end') return prefix_list_names def list_prefix_lists(client: Any) -> dict[str, dict]: """List all VPC Prefix List""" logging.info('list_prefix_lists start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') # Put all VPC Prefix Lists inside a dictionary prefix_lists: dict[str, dict] = {} response = client.describe_managed_prefix_lists() logging.info('Listed VPC Prefix Lists') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') while True: for prefix_list in response['PrefixLists']: prefix_lists[prefix_list['PrefixListName']] = prefix_list if not 'NextToken' in response: break # As there is a NextToken it needs to perform the list call again next_token = response['NextToken'] logging.info(f'Found NextToken "{next_token}"') response = client.describe_managed_prefix_lists(NextToken=next_token) logging.info(f'Listed VPC Prefix Lists with NextToken "{next_token}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') logging.debug(f'Function return: {prefix_lists}') logging.info('list_prefix_lists end') return prefix_lists def get_prefix_list_by_id(client: Any, prefix_list_id: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get VPC Prefix List by ID""" logging.info('get_prefix_list_by_id start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter prefix_list_id: {prefix_list_id}') response = client.describe_managed_prefix_lists(PrefixListIds=[prefix_list_id]) logging.info(f'Got VPC Prefix Lists with ID: {prefix_list_id}') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') prefix_list: dict[str, Any] = response['PrefixLists'][0] logging.debug(f'Function return: {prefix_list}') logging.info('get_prefix_list_by_id end') return prefix_list def create_prefix_list(client: Any, prefix_list_name: str, prefix_list_ip_version: str, address_list: list[str]) -> None: """Create the VPC Prefix List""" logging.info('create_prefix_list start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter prefix_list_name: {prefix_list_name}') logging.debug(f'Parameter prefix_list_ip_version: {prefix_list_ip_version}') logging.debug(f'Parameter address_list: {address_list}') # Create the list of Prefix List entries to create prefix_list_entries: list[dict] = [] for addr in address_list: prefix_list_entries.append( { 'Cidr': addr, 'Description': DESCRIPTION } ) logging.debug(f'Prefix List entries: {prefix_list_entries}') # Add 10 enties extra when create Prefix List for future expansion max_entries: int = len(prefix_list_entries) + 10 logging.info(f'Creating VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}" with max entries "{max_entries}" with address family "{prefix_list_ip_version}" with {len(address_list)} CIDRs. List: {address_list}') response = client.create_managed_prefix_list( PrefixListName=prefix_list_name, Entries=prefix_list_entries, MaxEntries=max_entries, TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'prefix-list', 'Tags': [ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': prefix_list_name }, { 'Key': 'ManagedBy', 'Value': MANAGED_BY }, { 'Key': 'CreatedAt', 'Value': datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat() }, { 'Key': 'UpdatedAt', 'Value': 'Not yet' }, ] }, ], AddressFamily=prefix_list_ip_version ) logging.info(f'Created VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') logging.debug('Function return: None') logging.info('create_prefix_list end') def update_prefix_list(client: Any, prefix_list_name: str, prefix_list: dict[str, Any], address_list: list[str]) -> bool: """Updates the AWS VPC Prefix List""" logging.info('update_prefix_list start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter prefix_list_name: {prefix_list_name}') logging.debug(f'Parameter prefix_list: {prefix_list}') logging.debug(f'Parameter address_list: {address_list}') prefix_list_id: str = prefix_list['PrefixListId'] prefix_list_max_entries: int = prefix_list['MaxEntries'] prefix_list_version: int = prefix_list['Version'] logging.debug(f'prefix_list_id: {prefix_list_id}') logging.debug(f'prefix_list_max_entries: {prefix_list_max_entries}') logging.debug(f'prefix_list_version: {prefix_list_version}') network_list = [ipaddress.ip_network(net) for net in address_list] # Get current Prefix List entries current_entries: dict[Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network], str] = get_prefix_list_entries(client, prefix_list_name, prefix_list_id, prefix_list_version) # Filter to get the list of entries to remove from Prefix List entries_to_remove: list[dict] = [{'Cidr': cidr.with_prefixlen} for cidr in current_entries.keys() if cidr not in network_list] # Filter to get the list of entries to add into Prefix List entries_to_add: list[dict] = [{'Cidr': cidr.with_prefixlen, 'Description': DESCRIPTION} for cidr in network_list if cidr not in current_entries] logging.debug(f'current_entries: {current_entries}') logging.debug(f'entries_to_remove: {entries_to_remove}') logging.debug(f'entries_to_add: {entries_to_add}') updated: bool = False if (not entries_to_add) and (not entries_to_remove): logging.info(f'Nothing to add or remove at "{prefix_list_name}"') else: # Only change max entries if there is entries to add and current max entries is less than len of new address list if entries_to_add: logging.debug('Exist entries to add') if prefix_list_max_entries < len(address_list): logging.debug(f'Current Prefix List max entries "{prefix_list_max_entries}" is lower than new range length "{len(address_list)}", so will change it to increase') # Update Prefix List to change max entries first # You cannot modify the entries of a prefix list and modify the size of a prefix list at the same time. prefix_list_max_entries = len(address_list) logging.debug(f'New max entries value "{prefix_list_max_entries}"') logging.info(f'Updating VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}" with id "{prefix_list_id}" with max entries "{prefix_list_max_entries}" with version "{prefix_list_version}"') response = client.modify_managed_prefix_list( PrefixListId=prefix_list_id, PrefixListName=prefix_list_name, MaxEntries=prefix_list_max_entries ) logging.info(f'Updated VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') prefix_list_version = response['PrefixList']['Version'] current_state: str = response['PrefixList']['State'] current_state_message: str = response['PrefixList']['StateMessage'] logging.debug(f'prefix_list_version: {prefix_list_version}') logging.debug(f'current_state: {current_state}') logging.debug(f'current_state_message: {current_state_message}') if current_state not in ['modify-in-progress', 'modify-complete', 'modify-failed']: raise Exception(f'Error updating VPC Prefix List max entries. Invalid state. Expecting "modify-in-progress" or "modify-complete" or "modify-failed". Got "{current_state}". Name: "{prefix_list_name}" ID: "{prefix_list_id}" current version: "{prefix_list_version}" new max entries: "{prefix_list_max_entries}" StateMessage: "{current_state_message}"') if current_state == 'modify-failed': raise Exception(f'Error updating VPC Prefix List max entries. State is "modify-failed". Name: "{prefix_list_name}" ID: "{prefix_list_id}" current version: "{prefix_list_version}" new max entries: "{prefix_list_max_entries}" StateMessage: "{current_state_message}"') if current_state == 'modify-in-progress': logging.info('Updating VPC Prefix List max entries is in progress. Will wait.') for count in range(5): seconds_to_wait: int = count + (count + 1) logging.info(f'Waiting {seconds_to_wait} seconds') time.sleep(seconds_to_wait) wait_prefix_list: dict[str, Any] = get_prefix_list_by_id(client, prefix_list_id) if wait_prefix_list['State'] == 'modify-complete': break else: # Else doesn't execute if exit via break raise Exception("Error updating VPC Prefix List max entries. Can't wait anymore.") # Update Prefix List entries logging.info(f'Updating VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}" with id "{prefix_list_id}" with version "{prefix_list_version}" with {len(address_list)} CIDRs.') logging.info(f'Updating VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}" Entries to add: {entries_to_add}') logging.info(f'Updating VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}" Entries to remove: {entries_to_remove}') logging.info(f'Updating VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}" Full list of entries: {address_list}') response = client.modify_managed_prefix_list( PrefixListId=prefix_list_id, CurrentVersion=prefix_list_version, PrefixListName=prefix_list_name, AddEntries=entries_to_add, RemoveEntries=entries_to_remove ) updated = True logging.info(f'Updated VPC Prefix List "{prefix_list_name}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') # Update VPC Prefix List tags logging.info(f'Updating Tags for "{prefix_list_name}" with ID "{prefix_list_id}"') # Adds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified Amazon EC2 resource or resources. response = client.create_tags( Resources=[prefix_list_id], Tags=[{'Key': 'UpdatedAt', 'Value': datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat()}] ) logging.info(f'Updated Tags for "{prefix_list_name}" with ID {prefix_list_id}') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') logging.debug(f'Function return: {updated}') logging.info('update_prefix_list end') return updated def get_prefix_list_entries(client: Any, prefix_list_name: str, prefix_list_id: str, prefix_list_version: int) -> dict[Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network], str]: """Get the AWS VPC Prefix List entries""" logging.info('get_prefix_list_entries start') logging.debug(f'Parameter client: {client}') logging.debug(f'Parameter prefix_list_name: {prefix_list_name}') logging.debug(f'Parameter prefix_list_id: {prefix_list_id}') logging.debug(f'Parameter prefix_list_version: {prefix_list_version}') logging.info(f'Getting VPC Prefix List entries "{prefix_list_name}" with id "{prefix_list_id}" with version "{prefix_list_version}"') response = client.get_managed_prefix_list_entries( PrefixListId=prefix_list_id, TargetVersion=prefix_list_version ) logging.info(f'Got VPC Prefix List entries "{prefix_list_name}"') logging.debug(f'Response: {response}') # Add entries in a dictionary entries: dict[Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network], str] = {} for entrie in response['Entries']: network: Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network] = ipaddress.ip_network(entrie['Cidr']) if 'Description' in entrie: entries[network] = entrie['Description'] else: entries[network] = '' logging.debug(f'Function return: {entries}') logging.info('get_prefix_list_entries end') return entries #====================================================================================================================== # Lambda entry point #====================================================================================================================== def lambda_handler(event, context): """Lambda function handler""" logging.info('lambda_handler start') logging.debug(f'Parameter event: {event}') logging.debug(f'Parameter context: {context}') try: # Read config file to get services and regions with open('services.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as services_file: logging.info('Reading file "services.json"') config_services: dict[str, Any] = json.loads(services_file.read()) logging.info(f'Found services: {config_services}') message: dict[str, Any] = json.loads(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message']) logging.debug(f'Message from SNS topic: {message}') # Load the ip ranges from the url logging.debug(f'URL: {message["url"]}') logging.debug(f'MD5: {message["md5"]}') ip_ranges: dict[str, Any] = json.loads(get_ip_groups_json(message['url'], message['md5'])) logging.info('Got "ip-ranges.json" file') logging.info(f'SyncToken: {ip_ranges["syncToken"]}') logging.info(f'CreateDate: {ip_ranges["createDate"]}') logging.debug(f'File content: {ip_ranges}') # Extract the service ranges # Each service name from config file will be a key on returned dictionary # service_ranges => dict[str, ServiceIPRange] # keys 'ipv4' and 'ipv6' will ALWAYS be a valid list. # If no IP range is found, it will be an empty list # Example: # { # 'CLOUDFRONT': { # 'ipv4': [ # '', # '' # ], # 'ipv6': [ # 'aaaa::1/56' # ] # }, # 'API_GATEWAY': { # 'ipv4': [ # '' # ], # 'ipv6': [] # } # } service_ranges: dict[str, ServiceIPRange] = get_ranges_for_service(ip_ranges, config_services) logging.info(f'Service IP ranges keys: {service_ranges.keys()}') logging.debug(f'Dictionary with service IP ranges: {service_ranges}') # Dictonary to return from this function resource_names: dict[str, dict[str, list[str]]] = { 'PrefixList': {'created': [], 'updated':[]}, 'WafIPSet': {'created': [], 'updated':[]} } service_name: str = '' should_summarize: bool = False # Create or Update the appropriate resource for each service range found ### Prefix List logging.info('Handling VPC Prefix List') vpc_prefix_lists: dict[str, dict] = {} for config_service in config_services['Services']: service_name = config_service['Name'] logging.info(f'Start handle VPC Prefix List for "{service_name}"') if service_name not in service_ranges: logging.warning(f'Service name "{service_name}" not found in service ranges variable. This condition should NEVER happens. Possible bug in the code. Please investigate.') else: # Handle Prefix List if 'PrefixList' not in config_service: logging.info(f'Service "{service_name}" not configured with "PrefixList"') else: if not config_service['PrefixList']['Enable']: logging.info(f'Service "{service_name}" is configured with "PrefixList" but it is not enable') else: try: # Will list VPC Prefix Lists only once if not vpc_prefix_lists: logging.info('Will get the list of VPC Prefix List for the first time') vpc_prefix_lists = list_prefix_lists(ec2_client) should_summarize = config_service['PrefixList']['Summarize'] prefix_list_names: dict[str, list[str]] = manage_prefix_list(ec2_client, vpc_prefix_lists, service_name, service_ranges, should_summarize) resource_names['PrefixList']['created'] += prefix_list_names['created'] resource_names['PrefixList']['updated'] += prefix_list_names['updated'] except Exception as error: logging.error("Error handling VPC Prefix List. It will not block the execution. It will continue to other services and resources.") logging.exception(error) logging.info(f'Finish handle VPC Prefix List for "{service_name}"') # Create or Update the appropriate resource for each service range found ### WAF IPSet logging.info('Handling WAF IPSet') waf_ipsets_by_scope: dict[str, dict] = {} for config_service in config_services['Services']: service_name = config_service['Name'] logging.info(f'Start handle WAF IPSet for "{service_name}"') if service_name not in service_ranges: logging.warning(f'Service name "{service_name}" not found in service ranges variable. This condition should NEVER happens. Possible bug in the code. Please investigate.') else: # Handle WAF IPSet if 'WafIPSet' not in config_service: logging.info(f'Service "{service_name}" not configured with "WafIPSet"') else: if not config_service['WafIPSet']['Enable']: logging.info(f'Service "{service_name}" is configured with "WafIPSet" but it is not enable') else: # Scope can be 'CLOUDFRONT' or 'REGIONAL' for ipset_scope in config_service['WafIPSet']['Scopes']: logging.info(f'Service "{service_name}" WAF Scope "{ipset_scope}"') try: waf_ipsets: dict[str, dict] = {} # Will list WAF IPSets only once for each scope if ipset_scope in waf_ipsets_by_scope: waf_ipsets = waf_ipsets_by_scope[ipset_scope] else: logging.info(f'Will get the list of WAF IPSets for the first time for scope "{ipset_scope}"') waf_ipsets = list_waf_ipset(waf_client, ipset_scope) waf_ipsets_by_scope[ipset_scope] = waf_ipsets should_summarize = config_service['WafIPSet']['Summarize'] ipset_names: dict[str, list[str]] = manage_waf_ipset(waf_client, waf_ipsets, service_name, ipset_scope, service_ranges, should_summarize) resource_names['WafIPSet']['created'] += ipset_names['created'] resource_names['WafIPSet']['updated'] += ipset_names['updated'] except Exception as error: logging.error("Error handling WAF IPSet. It will not block the execution. It will continue to other services and resources.") logging.exception(error) logging.info(f'Finish handle WAF IPSet for "{service_name}"') except Exception as error: logging.exception(error) raise error logging.info(f'Function return: {resource_names}') logging.info('lambda_handler end') return resource_names # if __name__ == '__main__': # with open('test_event.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as event_file: # event: dict[str, Any] = json.loads(event_file.read()) # lambda_handler(event, None)