from PIL import Image import numpy as np import dlr import time import json import sys import argparse import base64 from datetime import datetime import os, random import awsiot.greengrasscoreipc from awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.model import ( PublishToTopicRequest, PublishMessage, BinaryMessage ) TIMEOUT = 10 PUBLISH_TOPIC = 'from/MLoutput/client' TEMP_IMG_PATH = '/dev/shm/temp.jpg' OUTGOING_MSG_FORMAT = { 'CameraDeviceName': 'AWS Panorama Camera', 'JudegedBy': "Resnet-18", 'CameraTrigger': '1', 'CaptureStatusCode': '200', 'CaptureStatusMessage': 'Ok', 'RetryCount': '0', 'InferenceTotalTime': {}, 'InferenceStartTime': {}, 'InferenceEndTime':{}, 'Prediction': {}, 'Probability': {}, 'Picture': {} } def load_class_names(namesfile): class_names = [] with open(namesfile, 'r') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.rstrip() class_names.append(line) return class_names def softmax(x): """Compute softmax values for each sets of scores in x.""" e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x)) return e_x / e_x.sum() def publishResults(ipc_client, topic, message): print("step info: {}".format(message)) print('topic', topic) print("before publishing: {}".format(time.time())) request = PublishToTopicRequest() request.topic = topic publish_message = PublishMessage() publish_message.binary_message = BinaryMessage() publish_message.binary_message.message = bytes(json.dumps(message), "utf-8") request.publish_message = publish_message operation = ipc_client.new_publish_to_topic() operation.activate(request) futureResponse = operation.get_response() try: futureResponse.result(TIMEOUT) print("after publishing: {}".format(time.time())) print('Successfully published to topic: ' + topic) except Exception as e: print('Exception while publishing to topic: ' + topic, file=sys.stderr) raise e def main(): print("==============") print("AiTPS Software") print("==============") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fuel Pump') ipc_client = awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.connect() # # reading the input arguemenets parser.add_argument('--model', help='model', default='./model') parser.add_argument('--class_names', help='class_names', default='./labels.txt') parser.add_argument('--input', help='input folder path', default='./data') args = parser.parse_args() class_names = load_class_names(args.class_names) while True: try: start_time = datetime.utcnow() img_path = random.choice(os.listdir(args.input)) print("Randomly selected image {}".format(img_path)) input_image =, img_path)).resize((224,224)) input_matrix = (np.array(input_image) / 255 - [0.485, 0.456, 0.406])/[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] transposed = np.transpose(input_matrix, (2, 0, 1)) model = dlr.DLRModel(args.model, 'cpu', 0) res = softmax([0][0]) pred = np.argmax(res) prob = res[pred] image_bytes = None with open(TEMP_IMG_PATH, "rb") as imageFile: image_bytes = base64.b64encode('utf8') end_time = datetime.utcnow() delta = end_time - start_time total_time = delta.total_seconds() * 1000 start_time_str = start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") end_time_str = end_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") outgoing_msg = OUTGOING_MSG_FORMAT outgoing_msg['InferenceTotalTime'] = total_time outgoing_msg['InferenceStartTime'] = start_time_str outgoing_msg['InferenceEndTime'] = end_time_str outgoing_msg['Prediction'] = class_names[pred] outgoing_msg['Probability'] = str(prob) outgoing_msg['Picture'] = image_bytes publishResults(ipc_client, PUBLISH_TOPIC, outgoing_msg) time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": main()