//This file contains the OS commands and AWS CLI commands used in this blog "Using Amazon EBS elastic volumes with Oracle databases (part 3): databases using ASM" //Blog URL - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/using-amazon-ebs-elastic-volumes-with-oracle-databases-part-3-databases-using-oracle-asm/ #Increase the size of the EBS volumes to 50 GiB from 100 GiB using the AWS CLI. Do this once for each EBS volume. aws ec2 modify-volume --region us-west-2 --volume-id --size 100 #Check the modification status using the AWS CLI. Do this once for each EBS volume. aws ec2 describe-volumes-modifications --region us-west-2 --volume-id #Log in as the OS user (Oracle in this example) used to set up ORACLE_HOME. Use the oracleasm querydisk command to find the device major and minor number as shown following. /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk -d DATA1 #After finding the disk major and minor number (from the previous command), use the following command to find the device name at the OS level ls -la /dev/ | grep | grep #Use the fdisk command to resize the partition fdisk /dev/xvdf #Use the partx command to update the in-memory kernel partition table from the on-disk partition table partx -u /dev/xvdf