## Introduction This repository contains laboratory code and instructions used to deliver Virtual Immersion Weeks. ### What are Virtual Immersion Weeks? Virtual Immersion Weeks are custom-tailored learning experiences delivered by solutions architects and account managers, and have a focus on helping customers train their teams by focusing on a specific area of improvement, and accelerate ramp-up by delivering both theory and a hands-on experience. ### In what manner are Virtual Immersion Weeks different from Immersion Days? Original Immersion Days are an all day long experience that is delivered in person. With the restrictions imposed by the lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, an alternative was sought to be able to deliver an equivalent training as effectively as possible, but in a virtual fashion. Contents were split in a suitable manner, and laboratories with simple, easy to demonstrate instructions were put together. This allows to deliver the same experience, but in three two-hour sessions throughout a week, thus its name. ### Benefits For customers and partners, a Virtual Immersion Week allows hands-on time with AWS services, and SA guidance for their particular use cases, but delivered in a virtual fashion on three different days spread throughout a week. ### Guidelines As is the case with Immersion Days, there must be a real opportunity, ideally with an identified pilot or POC. In addition, a specific opportunity outcome should be identified for the Virtual Immersion Week with a customer commitment. ## Contents This repository is divided into several directories, each of which contain a single laboratory. ## License The contents in this repository are licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.