** WARNING! ** In CloudFormation, you can only write 3 level of nested rule statements max. This is because CloudFormation does not allow recursive operation. You may need to reduce or optimize nested statements that you may have (e.g. NOT(A AND B) instead of NOT(A) AND NOT(B)), or use custom resources functionality. * snippet-001.yaml Description: This is a snippet that you can reference to for associating web ACL to ALB. * webacl-create-001.yaml Description: This will create a web ACL with AWS Managed Ruleset (Common Rule Set) enabled and exluding a rule inside it. * webacl-create-002.yaml Description: This will create a web ACL with block rule having IP set and string match for excluding specific host domain. * webacl-create-003.yaml Description: This will create a web ACL with block rule having XSS detection on query string and string match for excluding specific pattern.