Wrap up and cleaning existing resources

Before wrapping up, we strongly recommend you go through these steps to clean the recurrent resources incurred by the workshop.

Most of the charges incurred follows a pay as you go model, but some resources incur charges unless you stop them:

Terminate your resources

As the Glue development endpoint and the notebook will incur charges, let’s stop them :

  • Go to Glue

    • Select the endpoint - Action -> Delete
  • Go to the notebook

    • Select the notebook - Action -> Stop, then Delete

Clean other resources:

Other resources that potentially incur charges may need to be cleaned:

Glue Crawlers and Jobs

Make sure you haven’t put any recurrence on jobs and triggers:

  • Go to the Glue Console
    • Click on Crawlers
    • Check that the “Schedule” column is empty for the crawlers created during the labs
  • Now click on Triggers
    • check you have no triggers with a schedule type


If you want to cancel your subscription to Quicksight you can follow these procedure: (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/closing-account.html)